|   21 سبتمبر 2024م
د. ناريش كومار
د. ناريش كومار
أستاذ مساعد
العلوم الرياضية والفيزيائية - شعبة علوم الحاسوب
كلية العلوم والآداب
  • محول: 813
  • البريد الإلكتروني: naresh@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 11G-7
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2022
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: ..............................

  • Dr. Kumar is currently working as an assistant professor in Computer Science at the Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (DMPS), College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), University of Nizwa (UoN), Sultanate of Oman. He joined University of Nizwa in 2022 as an assistant professor in Computer Science. DMPS is the department running four sections in Science & Education: Computer Science (B.Sc. and B.Ed., Diploma and Master in Data Science), Statistics (B.Sc.), Physics (B.Sc., B.Ed.), and Mathematics (B.Sc., M.Sc., and B.Ed.). *********************************************************************************************************************** *************************** Dr. Kumar has served as HoD of DMPS for holding responsibilities of all sections in summer 2023. Before joining UoN, He served as an Assistant and then Associate Professor in reputed university ( Delhi University, Central University Haryana, Quantum University, Uttarakhand Technical University) where he trained graduate, postgraduate, and PhD students in science and engineering domains on various academic and research problems. His research area belongs to Computer Vision, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence, and image video processing for multidisciplinary applications. Some of the key research areas are always open for undergraduate/graduate and Ph.D. students to work in my supervision. Some of the current research problems are open for applicants as follows: ********************************************************* 1) Visual change detection: Video and image processing based well sounded problems referred as “Tracking, Detection, Localization and classification” it’s not limited for e.g. Drone based farm tracking, fruit quality prediction, healthcare modeling, tracking and disease modeling etc. ***************************************************************************************************************** *************************** 2) Agriculture and Food quality enhancement********************************************************************************************************************************** 3) Sustainable development of the natural resources with data science algorithms.*************************************************************************************************************************** 4) Human healthcare and societal issues: robotic surgery, tool technology for visually impaired people and connecting them with society.************************************************************************************************************************************* Without any delay, shoot an email (naresh@unizwa.edu.om) with the following things: ******************************************************* 1) Recent CV maintained all records with proof. ************************************************************************************* ************ 2) Report of previous work done.***************************************************************************************************************** 3) Proposal of research problem in which the candidate is interested.************************************************************************************************************************************** 4) Two strong recommendations from the reputed research/academic institution.*********************************************************************************************************************************** NOTE: Students, Trainees/, Research scholars are encouraged with university guidelines to pursue their goals with me.

      أنشطة التدريس
      • COMP497: Special Topics in Computer Science(Data Mining and Machine Learning)، Spring 2024
      • COMP631 Advanced Digital Image Processing، Master Course، Spring 2024
      • COMP422: Artificial Intelligence ، Spring 2023
      • COMP614: Big Data Fundamentals, Master Course، Fall2022
      • COMP101: Computer Skills ، Fall2022-Till date
      • COMP450: Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision، Fall 2022
      • COMP603: Computer Simulation and Modelling ، Master Course، Spring 2023, Spring 2024
      • COMP277: Networks and Communications، Fall2023
      • COMP270: Web Development، Summer 2023
      • Data Structures and Algorithms
      • Programming Languages
      • Data Science
      • Machine Learning
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Operating Systems
      • Discrete Mathematical Structures
      • Theory of Computations
      الأنشطة البحثية
      - الاهتمامات البحثية
      • Computer Vision
      • Data Science and Multimedia Analytics
      • Machine Learning
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Natural and Biomedical Image and Video Processing
            الخبرة الإدارية
            • 2023 - الآن: Graduation Project Coordinator( Representing all sections Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics) at College
            • 2023 - 2023: Head of Department (Acting for Summer 2023) - DMPS, CAS, University of Nizwa, Oman
              Headship :Summer- 2023
            • 2022 - الآن: Program Coordinator (B.S. Computer Science ) - Computer Science, University of Nizwa
                العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
                • 2023-الآن: Springer Nature(Guest Editor): Internet of Things with Smart Trends and Intelligent Devices for Future Generation[Journal: Discover Internet of Things]
                • 2021-الآن: Guest Editor, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, Bentham Science Journal for Fourth Industrial Revolution Based Technology and Practices
                • 2020-الآن: Editorial board member in Journal of Information Engineering and Applied Computing
                • 2017-الآن: IEEE, Membership, (ID-92577805)

                  الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/cas/naresh    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية