|   May 20, 2024

School of Nursing Students Participated in an Outreach Program on First Aid Effectiveness in Wilayat Izki


Selected students from the School of Nursing represented the University of Nizwa in an outreach program held in Saima and Muqazzah Health Center, Wilayat Izki, Al Dakliyah governorate on March 3-4, 2024 with the theme “Awareness Exhibition for First Aid Effectiveness.” The program was participated by the different government agencies like the Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority, primary schools, and the community people.

The objective of the program is to teach the community people the basic management for emergency situations. The students demonstrated basic skills in emergency situations like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), management for infant and adult choking, fainting, bleeding and wound management, fracture/sprain/strain management, seizure, allergy and anaphylactic reactions and substance intoxication.