|   October 23, 2024

Welcome to the Web page of AlKhalil bin Ahmed AlFarahidi Center for Arabic Studies and Humanities (KAFCASH)


الندوات و المؤتمرات و المشاريع البحثية القادمة

AlKhaleel bin Ahmed AlFarahidi Center for Arabic and Humanity Studies (KAFCASH) is an integral part of the University of Nizwa. It supports the University’s mission in enhancement of research-led culture and education. It provides a comprehensive range of research and consultancy services and strives to empower researchers to meet the challenges of the 21st Century individually and corporately.

KAFCASH was founded in 2007 as an umbrella for research, studies and academic-based publication in humanities at the University of Nizwa. The University of Nizwa named the Center after AlKhaleel bin Ahmed AlFarahidi, the well-known Omani-born scholar.  

AlFrahidi is one of the first Arab intellectuals, distinguished by sharp intelligence and a wonderful ability to discover a variety of hidden systems of Arabic language and arts such as the rhythmic structures of Arabic poetry, structure and lexicalism. The University of Nizwa, acknowledged the status of this scholar by making him the representative symbol for its center which should lead research in Arabic language in particular and humanities in general.


The University of Nizwa bears, with great honour, the name of the city of Nizwa; an ancient city, symbolizing authenticity and history in Oman. Nizwa was the capital of Oman for a long time since 177 A.T. until the modern era. By combining the name of the University with the name of the scholar, the great role assigned to the Centre becomes even more vivid; It should be the hub of academic/scientific research in humanities and excellence at the local and global level.


KAFCASH aspires to be a leading research Center in humanities and Omani studies with a worldwide reputation.



KAFCASH is devoted to the production, acquisition, enhancement and sustainment of knowledge related to humanities and Omani studies.



Guided by the core values and principles of the UoN, KAFCASH has adopted the following values:

  • • Integrity and Professionalism
  • • Leadership through the development of research
  • • Industry and Community Engagement
  • • integrated quality management
  • • sustain development of the center.



The mission and values of the KAFCASH are reflected in the following aims:

  1. Undertaking research in relative areas of specializations.
  2. Organization of academic events such as conferences, symposiums, seminars and lectures.
  3. Publication of peer-reviewed journals.
  4. Publication of academic books and studies which are relevant to the specialization of the centre.
  5. Collection, reservation and publication of manuscripts and documents.
  6. Collection, studying and publication of non-materialistic/verbal Omani heritage.
  7. Providing consultancy for public and private establishments nationally and abroad.


ويقوم بالإشراف على سير العمل بالمركز (المجلس التوجيهي لمركز الخليل) الذي يترأسه الأستاذ الدكتور رئيس الجامعة ويضم في عضويته:

  • المكرمة الدكتورة عائشة بنت محمد الدرمكية.
  • الأستاذ الدكتور أحمد بن حمد الربعاني
  • رئيس قسم التربية والدراسات الإنسانية بجامعة نزوى
  • رئيس قسم اللغة العربية بجامعة نزوى
  • مدير مركز الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي للدراسات العربية  والإنسانية بجامعة نزوى


يتولى المجلس المهام والاختصاصات الآتية:

  1. اقتراح استراتيجية المركز وخطته التنفيذية.
  2. متابعة تنفيذ الخطة التنفيذية ومناقشة سير العمل بها واقتراح ما يلزم لضمان الوصول إلى مؤشرات أداء مناسبة.
  3. اقتراح السياسات واللوائح المنظمة لأعمال المركز.
  4. اعتماد التقرير السنوي للمركز.


International Seminar

Imam Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Khalili and his cultural and scientific role in Oman

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