|   July 27, 2024

Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs enforces the ADRI approach

October 2019

A writing workshop on ADRI Report was conducted on October 23 and 24, 2019 to enable stakeholders to prepare comprehensive and result oriented ADRI reports on the University’s operational needs from the different colleges/FI and services units.

The said activity was participated by College Deans, Foundation Institute (FI) Director, Associate/ Assistant Deans, Heads of Departments, Heads of Sections, College/FI Quality Management Officers, Department/School Quality Management Officer and other Support Services Unit Heads. As an output of the said workshop, the participants presented their respective ADRI reports, which were reviewed by themselves as participants together with the workshop’s facilitators.

The said activity was a follow-up workshop organized by the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Academic Affairs; ADRI Report Writing Workshop was an outcome of Self-Assessment Workshop held on December 20, 2018.

ADRI (Approach, Deployment, Results & Improvement) Report is a quality assurance self- review tool which is adopted by the University in maintaining quality operations management.