|   27 يوليو 2024م

C:\Users\widad\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TempState\ShareServiceTempFolder\Dr hussein.jpegOffice of Vice chancellor for Graduate Studies,

Research and External Relations 

Deanship of Graduate Studies

Dean Message 




You are welcome to the portal of the Deanship of Graduate Studies at the University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman

The Deanship of Graduate Studies is one of the three pillars of the office of Vice chancellor for Graduate Studies Research and External Relations, it represents an umbrella for all Graduate Studies programs, Higher Diploma, Master and PhD Degrees to implant the University of Nizwa vision to be a beacon (minaret) of knowledge and enlightenment in the National and International levels.

The Deanship of Graduate Studies mission is to ensure the highest academic program standard through the well prepared Graduate Studies Academic Regulations and Procedures to provide student and faculty with a guiding academic framework for the proper conduct of the Graduate Studies from admission and registration up to granting the awarded degrees.

The Deanship of Graduate Studies follow up to 30 Master degree programs in different disciplines with solid Scientific and Research Infrastructure in Arabic, English. Education, Computer Science. Chemistry, Structural Engineering, Chemical Engineering Architectural Engineering, Economics, Business Management and Information System. In addition to PhD degree program in Chemistry and Educational Leadership. It is planning to offer Graduate Studies in Health Science Specialization.

Educational Higher Diploma programs in different specialization conducted properly and efficiently with high enrollment and high graduation rates, which indicate the Success of such programs in achieving goals its provide the education sector in Oman with qualified staff. 

The Deanship of Graduate Studies in collaboration with other Deanship and Colleges are responsible to encourage and supervise the creation of new Graduate degree program which match with the current development and progress in addition to the implementation of the innovative modifications to the existing programs reaching to the goal of promoting the G.S at the University of Nizwa and in alignment with 2040 Oman Vision. 

Prof Dr Hussein Ali Al Abdulqader  ,  The  Dean