|   February 17, 2025

Year Title Author Publisher
2022 Digital Transformation in Islamic Finance: A Critical Review Suzuki Yasushi and Mohammad Dulal Miah Routledge
2022 Research on logistics management layout optimization and real-time application based on nonlinear programming Zhang, Y., Kou, X., Song, Z., Fan, Y., Usman, M. & Jagota, V. Nonlinear Engineering, 10(1), 526-534. https://doi.org/10.1515/nleng-2021-0043 ( Scopus Q2) H Index 15
2021 Influence of Microfinance and Empowerment on Satisfaction: Case Study of Pakistan. Yasmeen.K Mondal, S. Malik.M Studies in Business and Economics
2021 Determinants of Credit Risk: A Comparative Analysis between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh Kabir, N. M , Miah, M. D, Huda, R. N Singapore Economic Review
2021 The Impacts of Macroeconomics Variables on Welfare in the Sultanate of Oman Al-Yazeedi, J., A, Chabokrow, G International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research
2021 Agricultural Investment using Dynamic Models Chabokrow, G. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
2021 The Impact of COVID-19 on Islamic Financial Sector in Bangladesh Miah, M. D., Kassim, N KNEKS, Jakarta
2021 Shari’ah-compliant benchmark and Shari’ah-based `raf` al-haraj` benchmark on Prohibition of Riba Suzuki, Y., and Miah, M. D. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 10(2), pp. 175-188
2021 Causal Nexus between a Sustainable Economy and Agricultural Credit: Global Evidence Hasan, R., Miah, M. D., & Ashfaq, M Channel View Publications
2021 Corruption and Bank Efficiency: Expanding the “Sand or Grease the Wheel hypothesis” for the Gulf Cooperation Council Hassan, K., Hasan, R., Miah. M. D. and Ashfaq Journal of Public Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2737
2021 Economic Consideration of Legal Delimitation: Evidence from Judicial Verdicts in Bangladesh Courts Miah. M. D., Usman, M., and Suzuki, Y Institutions and Economies. https://doi.org/10.22452/IJIE.vol13no3.5
2021 Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Affect Renewable Energy Consumption? Shafiullah, M., Miah, M. D., and Alam, S., Atif, M Renewable Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.07.092
2021 The Impact of COVID-19 on Islamic Banks in Bangladesh: A perspective of Marxian ‘Circuit of Merchant’s Capital Miah. M. D., Suzuki, Y., and Uddin, S urnal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research .https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-11-2020-0345
2021 Carbon Emissions and Credit Ratings Saifullah, M., Kabir, M. N., and Miah, D , Energy Economics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105330
2021 How Does the Country-of-Origin Influence Consumer Purchase Decisions? Evidences from Oman Al-Abri E, Usman M and Mondal S Review of International Geographical Education Online; Vol.11 No.11
2021 Role of SMEs in Oman: Perspectives of future Employment and Protection Policy Response” SHS Web of Conferences Mondal S, Al-Shukaili A, Kassim NM and Zain M International Conference on Management, Social Sciences & Humanities (ICMeSH 2020), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Virtual), Malaysia, July 13-15, 2021
2021 Impact of Public Funded Projects on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Oman Al-Abri A and Mondal S International Journal of Science and Research
2021 Impact of Public Funded Projects on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Oman Al-Abri A and Mondal S International Journal of Science and Research
2021 Impact of Public Funded Projects on Women’s Economic Empowerment in Oman Al-Abri A and Mondal S International Journal of Science and Research
2021 Role of SMEs in Oman: Perspectives of future Employment and Protection Policy Response” SHS Web of Conferences Mondal S, Al-Shukaili A, Kassim NM and Zain M International Conference on Management, Social Sciences & Humanities (ICMeSH 2020), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Virtual), Malaysia, July 13-15, 2021
2021 How Does the Country-of-Origin Influence Consumer Purchase Decisions? Evidences from Oman Al-Abri E, Usman M and Mondal S Review of International Geographical Education Online; Vol.11 No.11
2021 Carbon Emissions and Credit Ratings Saifullah, M., Kabir, M. N., and Miah, D , Energy Economics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105330
2021 The Impact of COVID-19 on Islamic Banks in Bangladesh: A perspective of Marxian ‘Circuit of Merchant’s Capital Miah. M. D., Suzuki, Y., and Uddin, S Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research .https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-11-2020-0345
2021 Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Affect Renewable Energy Consumption? Shafiullah, M., Miah, M. D., and Alam, S., Atif, M Renewable Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2021.07.092
2021 Economic Consideration of Legal Delimitation: Evidence from Judicial Verdicts in Bangladesh Courts Miah. M. D., Usman, M., and Suzuki, Y Institutions and Economies. https://doi.org/10.22452/IJIE.vol13no3.5
2021 “Corruption and Bank Efficiency: Expanding the “Sand or Grease the Wheel hypothesis” for the Gulf Cooperation Council Hassan, K., Hasan, R., Miah. M. D. and Ashfaq Journal of Public Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2737
2021 Causal Nexus between a Sustainable Economy and Agricultural Credit: Global Evidence Hasan, R., Miah, M. D., & Ashfaq, M Channel View Publications
2020 Institutional and foreign ownership vis-à-vis default risk: Evidence from Japanese firms. Kabir, M. N., Miah, M. D. Ali, S., Sharma, P International Review of Economics and Finance
2020 Green banking: the case of commercial banking sector in Oman Miah, M. D Rahman, S. M. Environment Development and Sustainability
2020 Murabaha Syndrome of Islamic Banks: A Paradox or Product of the System? Miah, M. D., Suzuki, Y. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 11(7), pp. 1363-1378 (Scopus-Q2),
2020 Shari’ah-compliant benchmark and Shari’ah-based `raf` al-haraj` benchmark on Prohibition of Riba Suzuki, Y., and Miah, M. D. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 10(2), pp. 175-188
2020 Switching costs in Islamic banking: The impact on market power and financial stability Miah, M. D, Kabir, M. N., Saifullah, M Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Vol. 28, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100409
2020 The Impact of COVID-19 on Islamic Financial Sector in Bangladesh Miah, M. D., Kassim, N KNEKS, Jakarta
2020 Agricultural Investment using Dynamic Models Chabokrow, G. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
2020 The Impacts of Macroeconomics Variables on Welfare in the Sultanate of Oman Al-Yazeedi, J., A, Chabokrow, G. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research
2020 Determinants of Credit Risk: A Comparative Analysis between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh Kabir, N. M , Miah, M. D, Huda, R. N Singapore Economic Review
2020 Influence of Microfinance and Empowerment on Satisfaction: Case Study of Pakistan. Yasmeen.K Mondal, S. Malik.M Studies in Business and Economics
2020 Murabaha Syndrome of Islamic Banks: A Paradox or Product of the System? Miah, M. D., Suzuki, Y. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 11(7), pp. 1363-1378 (Scopus-Q2),
2020 Green banking: the case of commercial banking sector in Oman Miah, M. D Rahman, S. M. Environment Development and Sustainability
2020 Institutional and foreign ownership vis-à-vis default risk: Evidence from Japanese firms. Kabir, M. N., Miah, M. D. Ali, S., Sharma, P International Review of Economics and Finance
2019 Small and Medium Enterprises in Oman: Challenges and Opportunities Hussein Mubarak AL-Zakwani, and Swadhin Kumar Mondal International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research
2019 The Role of Knowledge Based Economy on Business Institutions 15. Mercy Toni, and Nour Eldin Mohamed Elsheikh International Journal of Information Technology
2019 The Influences of Independent and Female Directors on the Use of Non-Financial Measures in the Evaluation of CEO Performance in Malaysia Yasmeen Kausar Business, Management and Economics Research
2019 The Trend and Pattern of Medical Tourism in Kerala Miah, M. D. Uddin, H. Ahmed, N International Journal of Accounting and Finance
2019 Trade Liberalization and Manufacturing Trade Specialization between India and Africa: A Case study of Ethiopia’, Shamsudheen A.T International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies
2019 Myths and Realities of Microfinance as a Panacea for Empowerment. Yasmeen, K., Yasmeen, K., & Malik, M Pakistan Journal of Humanities & Social Science Research Women University
2019 Myths and Realities of Microfinance as a Panacea for Empowerment. Yasmeen, K., Yasmeen, K., & Malik, M Pakistan Journal of Humanities & Social Science Research Women University
2019 ‘Trade Liberalization and Manufacturing Trade Specialization between India and Africa: A Case study of Ethiopia’, Shamsudheen A.T International Journal of Social Science & Management Studies
2019 The Trend and Pattern of Medical Tourism in Kerala Mercy Toni Dr. Cyriac Joseph INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH
2019 Determinants of Efficiency and Stability: Evidence from Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh Miah, M. D. Uddin, H. Ahmed, N International Journal of Accounting and Finance
2019 The Influences of Independent and Female Directors on the Use of Non-Financial Measures in the Evaluation of CEO Performance in Malaysia Yasmeen Kausar Business, Management and Economics Research
2019 The Role of Knowledge Based Economy on Business Institutions 15. Mercy Toni, and Nour Eldin Mohamed Elsheikh International Journal of Information Technology
2019 Small and Medium Enterprises in Oman: Challenges and Opportunities Hussein Mubarak AL-Zakwani, and Swadhin Kumar Mondal International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research
2018 Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Financial Sector in Bangladesh Rashedul, H, and Miah, M.D Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 133-150.
2018 Factors Affecting Environmental Performance: Evidence from Banking Sector in Bangladesh Miah, M. D., Rahman, S. M., and Haque, Marjan International Journal of Financial Services Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 22-38.
2018 The nexus between access to electricity and labour productivity in developing countrie Md. Samsul Alama, Mohammad Miah, Shawkat Hammoudehc, and Aviral Kumar Tiwarid Energy Policy, Topic: Social Sciences, Vol. 22, pp. 715-722.
2018 Underpinning the Benefits of Green Banking: A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh Kashfia Sharmeen, Rashedul Hasan, and Mohammad Dulal Miah Thunderbird International Business Review
2018 Underpinning the Benefits of Green Banking: A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh Kashfia Sharmeen, Rashedul Hasan, and Mohammad Dulal Miah Thunderbird International Business Review
2018 The nexus between access to electricity and labour productivity in developing countries Md. Samsul Alama, Mohammad Miah, Shawkat Hammoudehc, and Aviral Kumar Tiwarid Energy Policy, Topic: Social Sciences, Vol. 22, pp. 715-722.
2018 Factors Affecting Environmental Performance: Evidence from Banking Sector in Bangladesh Miah, M. D., Rahman, S. M., and Haque, Marjan International Journal of Financial Services Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 22-38.
2018 Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Financial Sector in Bangladesh 8. Rashedul, H, and Miah, M.D Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 133-150.
2017 Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Healthcare Financing in India Swadhin Mondal Journal of Quantitative Economics
2017 Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Healthcare Financing in India, Swadhin Mondal Journal of Quantitative Economics, DOI 10.1007/s405953-017-0105-4
2017 A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Banks in GCC Countries Miah, M.D., and Uddin, H. Future Business Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 172-185
2017 Challenges in the Post-Justice-Seeking Regime: The Cases of Myanmar and Sri Lanka 11. Suzuki, Y., and Miah, M.D Asia Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 1, No. 29, pp. 537-558,
2017 Challenges in the Post-Justice-Seeking Regime: The Cases of Myanmar and Sri Lanka 11. Suzuki, Y., and Miah, M.D Asia Pacific Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 1, No. 29, pp. 537-558,
2017 A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Banks in GCC Countries Miah, M.D., and Uddin, H. Future Business Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 172-185
2017 Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Healthcare Financing in India, Swadhin Mondal Journal of Quantitative Economics, DOI 10.1007/s405953-017-0105-4
2017 Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Healthcare Financing in India Swadhin Mondal Journal of Quantitative Economics