|   July 27, 2024


The College of Economics, Management and Information Systems (CEMIS) was established during the Academic Year 2004-05 and is comprised of four departments; the Department of Economics, the Department of Accounting, the Department of Management, and the Department of Information Systems. The College is committed to the nurturing and development of young energies into budding entrepreneurs, managers and leaders through innovative and value-added personalized programs.
The focus of CEMIS is to bridge the gap between academics and industry through deeply monitored internships, projects, seminars, industrial visits and expert guest lectures. We are a highly interdisciplinary, research oriented, and application oriented College which has a state-of-the-art infrastructure and modern classrooms with hi-tech facilities. With E-library and Moodle as supporting facilitators, we aim to add valuable members to the workforce of the nation.

CEMIS strives to empower students to succeed and excel in their academic careers by promoting quality academic instruction and research amongst faculty. The primary goal of the College is to prepare graduates with core competencies to become Economists, Business leaders, and Information Systems experts.

The College develops student's innate potential by encouraging them to discover and apply their competencies, skills and values to resolve global economics, business, and information Systems related problems.

Dean's Message

Welcome to the College of Economics, Management, and Information System (CEMIS). You made the right choice in making us your partner in establishing a solid foundation for your bright future, which may enable you to realize your personal vision and mission in life.The College on its thrust towards development and excellence, commits to provide high quality teaching, learning and research in the areas of Accounting, Economics, Management and Information Systems. Hence, you become adept/proficient not only in your technical know-how, but you will also exemplify in character/attitude; which will make you at par with internationally recognized standards and will package you to be globally competitive.

In the pursuit of a higher plane of personal and professional development, the College offers variety of students’ academic and non-academic activities designed to mold you as future leaders with moral principles and values. As a way to countercheck that high quality education has been rendered to you, the College adheres to quality assurance measures to ensure that standards and requirements are met.The doors are open for you to experience one of the best and the finest education in Oman.

Let me extend my warm and heartfelt congratulations for your wise decision to pursue your studies at this academic institution, particularly with the College of Economics, Management and Information Systems. I wish that with your partnership with this institution, may you all be soon successful individuals in your chosen field of specialization and that you become responsible citizens in the community where you belong.I invite you to browse through the website and explore many useful links where you will come across the academic programs, the faculty profile, and other valuable information about our dynamic and vibrant College.

and on behalf of CEMIS

Dr. Salem Al Abri, Acting Dean


To be locally and internationally recognized as a prominent and innovative college with outstanding academic programs.


To serve society by providing outstanding teaching and training of students, significant and relevant research, together with aspiring and enriching community service in the fields of Economics, Management, and Information Systems.

Core Values and Principles

The CEMIS embraces the following Core Values and Principles of the University of Nizwa:
  1. Academic Excellence
    Promote academic excellence through the establishment of an innovative and resourceful academic institution serving, preserving and advancing the nation's heritage, identity and values via the use of high quality and affordable education programs, and research with accomplished faculty and staff to produce well-educated, highly skilled and ethical graduates.
  2. Leadership through Research and Innovation
    Leadership through the development of research and innovation in order to contribute to the advancement and progress of the Sultanate of Oman in particular, and humankind in general, the production, acquisition, and enhancement of knowledge and facilities a culture of sustainability and research, the enrichment of research capacity, scientific networking and ethical awareness.
  3. Quality Management
    Develop an administrative and managerial culture of integrated quality management. Encourage the practice of self-assessment among faculty and staff in order to advance their efficacy. Achieve continuous improvement through critical thinking, effective stewardship and deployment of resources, and an outcome-based approach.
  4. Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
    Commitment to sustain the continuous development of the University. The University will sustain growth by maintaining innovative ideas, concepts and approaches that enhance university resources. Contributions to the university's growth and advancement will be achieved through partnerships, collaborations, consultancies, voluntary services, efficient linkage with private, public and civil sectors, as well as, innovative means to support students financially. This noble goal will be fulfilled by the establishment of a resourceful, non-profit entrepreneurial academic institution
Guided by the core values and principles of UoN, CEMIS has adopted the following values:
  • Academic excellence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research and innovation
  • Professional advancement
  • Business and community engagement
  • Integrity and accountability

Strategic Aims

The mission and core values of the College are reflected in the following strategic aims:
  1. Promote excellence in teaching and learning.
  2. Develop students to be technically fit and ethically upright capable to adapt in a dynamic work environment with a high sense of responsibility, commitment and professionalism.
  3. Promote a culture of entrepreneurship
  4. Enhance research in economics, management, accounting and information systems to contribute to the national priorities.
  5. Embrace quality assurance, integrity and accountability in all College operations.
  6. Strengthen collaboration with the industry and community.