|   October 23, 2024

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

PHCY 140: Pharmacology I

Prereq: BIOL 300


Lectures: 3 CH

Practical: -

Contact Hs: 3



Third Year

First Semester


Course Objectives:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Discuss the fundamentals of pharmacology

2- Enumerate groups of drugs with examples

3- Illustrate the general mechanisms of drugs actions

4- Enumerate the different transmitters

5- Discuss the role of different receptors for action of drugs

6- Discuss the types and the mechanisms of drug interactions

7- Discuss the types and the mechanisms of drug – food interactions

8- Define adverse drug reaction ADR

9- Classify ADR

10- Differentiate between the methods used for monitoring the different   types of ADR

11- Illustrate the FDA and other method for monitoring the different   types of ADR

12- Differentiate between pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

13- Discuss dose – response relationship response relationship for CAL

14- Discuss dose – response relationship response relationship for  anti cholinesterase

15- Discuss the pharmacology of  muscarinic effects of parasympathomimetics,

α and β effects of catecholamine and their antagonists,

16. Discuss the action of dopamine glycoside, and calcium antagonists on heart, action of pilocaprine and atropine on eye.

17. Describe the types, mechanisms, the monitoring systems and implications of adverse reactions of drugs on patients

18. Identify, assess, and solve drug related problems such as drug interactions, contraindications, and adverse actions

19.  Discuss the factors affecting absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs and the importance of this information for proper drug selection             20. Discus pharmacology of drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system              21. Discus pharmacology of drugs affecting central nervous system

22. Discus pharmacology of autacoids and their antagonists,

23. Discus pharmacology non narcotic analgesics-antipyretic

24.  Discus pharmacology of NSAIDs

25. Recommend modifications in drug therapy

Course Contents:

This course covers the fundamentals of pharmacology, principles of drug action, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action of drugs in various categories, dose – response relationship, ADME, drug receptor interactions, cellular and molecular targets of drug action. It offers pharmacology of drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system and central nervous system, autacoids and their antagonists, non narcotic analgesics-antipyretics,, NSAIDs,   drug – drug, drug – food, drug – lab test, drug – pollutant interactions, adverse drug reactions. It offers models for dose response relationship including CAL, anti cholinesterase, demonstration of nicotinic and muscarinic effects of parasympathomimetics, α and β effects of catecholamines and their antagonists, action of dopamine glycoside, and calcium antagonists on heart, action of pilocaprine and atropine on eye.

1.Textbook Title:

1. Rang, Pharmacology, Churchill (2005)

2. Brenner, pharmacology, Saunders (2000)

3. Goodman and Gilman. Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGraw (2001)

4. Lacy, C. Drug Information Handbook. Lexi -Comp. US.A.  (2003)  

5. Drug  Interactions .Facts and Comparison:.(2005)

6. Pronsky, Z. Food-Medication Interaction. U.S.A. (2004)

7. Aronson, J. Side Effects of Drugs .Elsevier .U.S.A. (2004)

2. References:

  1. Ritter, Textbook of Pharmacology, Snow , B.(1999)  
  2. Alfonso R. G. Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. U.S.A. ( 2001)

3. Internet :









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Final Exam




PHCY 240: Pharmacology II

Prereq: PHCY 140


Lectures: 2 CH

Practical: 1

Contact Hs: 4



Third Year

Second Semester


Course Objectives

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Differentiate between groups of drugs concerning their pharmacological effects

2-   Differentiate between drugs in the same group of drugs concerning their pharmacological effects.

3- Identify asses and solve certain drug related problems such as drug interactions, adverse   reactions and contraindications.

4- Discuss the pharmacology of cardiovascular drug

5- Discuss the pharmacology of diuretics,

6- Discuss the pharmacology of GIT drugs

7- Discuss the pharmacology of respiratory tract drugs

8- Discuss the pharmacology of endocrinology and related drugs

9- Discuss the pharmacology of anti-infective drugs, and

10- Discuss the pharmacology of antineoplastics drugs

11- Select the most appropriate drug(s)for  the treatment of diseases

12- Recommend modifications in drug therapy

Course Contents

This course covers the pharmacology of cardiovascular drugs, diuretics, GIT drugs, respiratory drugs, endocrinology and related drugs, anti-infective drugs, and antineoplastics.


1. Textbook Title:

Goodman and Gilman. Pharmacology

Lacy, C. (2003) Drug Information Handbook. Lexi -Comp. US.A.        

Drug  Interactions .Facts and Comparison:

 Pronsky, Z. (2004) Food-Medication Interaction. U.S.A.

Aronson, J. Side Effects of Drugs .Elsevier .U.S.A.

2. References:

  a. Snow , B.(1999)  Drug Information

      b. Alfonso R. G. (2001). Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. U.S.A.  

3. Internet :




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Practical Exam


Final Exam




PHCY 340: Pharmacology III

Prereq: PHCY 140


Lectures: 2 CH

Practical: 1

Contact Hs: 4



Third Year

Second Semester


Course Objectives

 After completing this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Differentiate between groups of drugs concerning their pharmacological effects
  2.   Differentiate between drugs in the same group of drugs concerning their pharmacological effects.
  3. Identify asses and solve certain drug related problems such as drug interactions, adverse   reactions and contraindications.
  4. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent cardiovascular drug
  5. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent GIT drugs
  6. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent respiratory tract drugs
  7. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent endocrinology and related drugs
  8. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent anti-infective drugs, and
  9. Discuss the pharmacology of the most recent antineoplastic drugs
  10. Select the most appropriate drug(s)for  the treatment of diseases
  11. Recommend modifications in drug therapy

Course Contents

This course covers the pharmacology of the most recent drugs used for the treatment of various diseases and those not covered in the previous 2 relevant courses.



1.Textbook Title:

1. Rang, Pharmacology, Churchill (2005)

2. Brenner, pharmacology, Saunders (2000)

3. Goodman and Gilman. Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGraw (2001)

4. Lacy, C. (2003) Drug Information Handbook. Lexi -Comp. US.A.        

5. Drug  Interactions .Facts and Comparison:

6. Pronsky, Z. (2004) Food-Medication Interaction. U.S.A.

7. Aronson, J. Side Effects of Drugs .Elsevier .U.S.A.

2. References:

  1. Ritter, Textbook of Pharmacology, Snow , B.(1999)  Drug Information
  2. Alfonso R. G. (2001).
  3. Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. U.S.A.  

3. Internet :

  1. www.geocities.com/d.thai/pharm3.htm
  2. http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/pharmacology/
  3.    www.martindalecenter.com/pharmacy.html
  1.      www.unizwa.edu.com.
  2.      www.aapspharmaceutica.com
  3.      www.gallipot.com
  4.     www.ualberta.ca
  5.     www.ijpc.com

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Final Exam




PHCY 320: Toxicology

Prereq: CHEM 334


Lectures: 3 CH

Practical: -

Contact Hs: 3



Fourth Year

First Semester


Course Objectives

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify the sources of, and the influential factors leading to toxicity

2. Explain the measures used to prevent toxicity

3. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to alcohol

4. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to hypnotics

5. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to barbiturates,

6. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to inhalants

7. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to marijuana,

8. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to nicotine,

9. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to amphetamine

10. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to cocaine,

11. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to hallucinogens,

12. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to anabolic

13.  Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to steroids,

14. Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to pesticides,

15.  Illustrate the symptoms and signs of toxicity due to insecticides

16. Assess the results of toxicity

17. Suggest the general and specific methods for the management of toxicity.

18. Identify, assess and solve drug toxicity due to over -dosing.

19. Carry out first aid for toxicity

Course Contents

This course covers the mechanism of toxicity, toxic effects of different agents on the body, including drug overdose, toxic signs, drug abuse, and toxicity of:  alcohol, barbiturates, hypnotics, inhalants marijuana, nicotine, amphetamine cocaine, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids, pesticides, insecticides and pollutants with demonstrations. It includes demonstrations on toxicity of drugs and various agents and biostatistics problems.


1. Textbook Title:

1. Rang, Pharmacology, Churchill (2005)

2. Brenner, pharmacology, Saunders (2000)

3. Goodman and Gilman. Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, McGraw (2001)

4. Lacy, C. (2003) Drug Information Handbook. Lexi -Comp. US.A.        

5. Drug  Interactions .Facts and Comparison:

6.  Pronsky, Z. (2004) Food-Medication Interaction. U.S.A.

7. Aronson, J. Side Effects of Drugs .Elsevier .U.S.A.

2. References:

  1. Snow , B.(1999)  Drug Information
  2. Alfonso R. G. (2001). Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. U.S.A.  

3. Internet :




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Final Exam




PHCY 341: Bioassays

Prereq: PHCY 140

2 C.H.

Lectures: 1 CH

Practical: 1

Contact Hs: 3



Third Year

Second Semester


Course Objectives:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Discuss the importance of biostatistics in pharmacy

2- Illustrative the methods used for biostatistics in biological studies

3- Compare between the different methods used for biostatics

4- Select the most appropriate biostatistics method

5- Enumerate the most important drugs analyzed by bioassay

6- Illustrate the method used for the bioassay of digoxin

7- Illustrate the method used for the bioassay of vaccines and sera

   Course Contents:

This course includes the theories, the application of statistics in biological assays, clinical studies, and biostatistics problems. It includes the bioassay of Pharmacopeial biological medicaments as well as biologicals of interest in the field of pharmacy.


1. Textbook Title:

1. Goodman and Gilman. Pharmacology

2. Lacy, C. (2003) Drug Information Handbook. Lexi -Comp. US.A.        

3. Drug  Interactions .Facts and Comparison:

4. Pronsky, Z. (2004) Food-Medication Interaction. U.S.A.

5. Aronson, J. Side Effects of Drugs .Elsevier .U.S.A.

  1. References:
  1. Snow , B.(1999)  Drug Information
  2. Alfonso R. G. (2001). Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. U.S.A.  

3. Internet :




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Practical Exam


Final Exam




ANAT 420: Human Anatomy and Histology

Prereq: BIOL  101


Lectures: 2 CH

Practical: 1 CH

Contact Hs: 4



Second Year

Second Semester


Course Objectives:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Describe the axial skeleton.

2- Describe appendicular skeleton.

3- Identify specific parts of axial and appendicular skeletons.

4- Describe the main muscles, nerves and vessels of head.

5- Describe the main muscles, nerves and vessels of neck.

6- Describe the main muscles, nerves and vessels of upper limb.

7- Describe the main muscles, nerves and vessels of lower limb.

8- Identify specific bones of the upper limb.

9- Identify specific bones of the lower limb.

10- Describe the anatomy of circulatory system.

11- Describe the anatomy of pulmonary circulation.

12- Describe the anatomy of portal circulation.

13- Describe the anatomy of pulmonary circulation.

14- Illustrate the external features of heart.

15- Illustrate the internal features of heart.

16- Describe the aorta and its branches.

17- Describe the anatomy of the upper respiratory tract.

18- Describe the anatomy of the lower respiratory tract.

19- Illustrate the anatomy of lung and pleura.

20- Describe t he anatomy of GIT.

21- Describe the anatomy of liver.

22- Describe the anatomy of spleen.

23- Describe the anatomy of the pancreas.

24- Describe the anatomy of the male reproduction system.

25- Describe the anatomy of the female reproduction system.

26- Describe the anatomy of pituitary gland.

27- Describe the anatomy of thyroid gland.

28- Describe the anatomy of parathyroid gland.

29- Describe the anatomy suprarenal gland.

30- Describe the anatomy of nervous system.

31- Illustrate the structure of human cell.

32- Illustrate the microscopic structure of human cell.

33- Illustrate the microscopic structure of cell organelle

34- Illustrate the microscopic structure of epithelial tissue.

35- Illustrate the microscopic structure of muscular tissue.

36- Illustrate the microscopic structure of bone tissue.

37- Illustrate the microscopic structure of nervous tissue.

38- Describe the microscopic structure of RBC (s)

39- Describe the microscopic structure of WBC (s)

40- Describe the microscopic structure of platelets

41- Compare between the microscopic structure of medium sized artery, vein, and aorta.

42- Describe the microscopic structure of kidney.

43- Describe the microscopic structure trachea and lung.

44- Describe the microscopic structure of pituitary, thyroid and suprarenal glands.

45- Discuss the correlation between anatomy and histology with Pathology, Physiology.

Course Contents:

This course covers the anatomical terms, anatomy of head and neck, upper and lower limbs, circulatory system, major body system integumentary, musculo- skeletal, cardio-vascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, urinary and reproductive systems and nervous system.

 Histology course offers structure of human cell, cell organelles, epithelial tissue, blood cells, liver cells, pancreas, stomach, intestine, pituitary gland, suprarenal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, trachea, lung, alveoli, kidney, testis and ovary.

Practical work covers demonstrations of skeleton, muscles, nerves, endocrine system as well as other systems. And ultra-structure of cell, cell organelles as well as all systems mentioned in the theoretical part.


1. Textbook Title:

1. Richard S. Snell. Clinical Anatomy little Brown Co. Boston USA (2003)

2. Gardener L. et al. Cell Biology  and histology (2004)

3.  Seeley,  Anatomy Human Physiology, McGraw (2000)

2. References:

      1.  McMinn and Hatchings. Atlas of Human Anatomy. Wolf Medical  publications

      2. Junqueira C. Basic Histology

2. Internet :

a. ww.zwa..edu.

b. www.medtropolis.com/Vbody.asp

c. www.instantanatomy.net

d. www.bartleby.com/107

e. Visiblehuman.epfi.ch

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Practical Exam


Final Exam




BIOL 300: Human Physiology

Prereq: ANAT 420


Lectures: 2 CH

Practical: 1

Contact Hs: 3



Second Year

Second Semester


Course Objectives:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1. Define homeostasis and give examples of homeostatic mechanisms.

2. Discuss the control systems that regulate different body functions.

3. Define and explain resting membrane potential.

4. Compare function characteristics of skeletal and, cardiac, and smooth muscles.

5. Enumerate the sequence of neuromuscular transmission and production of muscle contraction.

6. Define the origin and division of autonomic nervous system.

7. Outline the functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

8. Enumerate the neurotransmitters in sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

9. Discuss the mechanism of action of drugs to act on sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

10. Enumerate the functions of plasma proteins, RBC (s), WBC (s), immune system, and Platelets.  

11. Discus blood grouping, Rh factor and their lineal significance.

12. Discus the function of the kidney, the glomerular function, renal clearance and the mechanism of tubular reabsorption. 

13. Explain the role of the kidneys in blood pH and in regulation of electrolytes and water balance.

14. Discuss the control of hormone secretion and their mechanism of actions.

15. Discuss the control of posterior pituitary hormones secretion and their mechanism of action.

16. Discuss the control of adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla hormones secretion and their mechanism of action.

17. Discuss the control of pancreas hormones secretion and their mechanism of action.

18. Discuss the control of thyroid and parathyroid hormones secretion and their mechanism of action.

19. Discuss the control of male and female sex secretion and their mechanism of action.

20. Review the conducting system of the heart.

21. Define cardiac output and how it is regulated.

22. Describe the changes that occur in each cardiac beat.

23. Define ECG.

24. Review the arterial blood pressure, its measurement and regulation.

25. Discuss the mechanisms of shock and hemorrhage.

26. Discuss the mechanisms of breathing.

27. Illustrate the conduction of air along airways and the characteristics of the pulmonary circulation.

28. Differentiate between different volume capacities and their clinical significance.

29. Identify and the function of respiratory centers.

30. Identify the digestive enzymes and their functions

31. Discuss GIT motility.

32. Illustrate the mechanisms of absorption in GIT.

33. Discuss the transmission of verve impulses.

34. Outline the somatic sensations.

35. Describe the components of reflexes.

36. Discuss the control of posture and movements.

37. Illustrate the mechanism of alert and sleep.

38. Discuss the errors of refraction.

39. Describe the transmission of visual impulses.

40. Discuss color vision and blindness.

41. Discuss the functions of different parts of ear.

42. Review olfaction and taste sensation as regards to receptors, adaptations and abnormalities. Review olfaction and taste sensation as regards to receptors, adaptations and abnormalities.

43. Discuss with examples the correlation between Human Physiology on one side and pharmacology, and Human Pathology on the side.

44. Discuss the correlation between Pathology, Physiology for Pharmacotherapy.

Course Contents:

This is a basic course covering essential concepts of human physiology, the dynamic nature of life processes in human body including physiology of the cell and functions and interrelationships of the various organ systems. The various topics include the study of elementary cell biology and the integration of physiological components. The study of these components will involve the understanding of the four major areas of physiological interest: organization of the body; skeletal movement and muscles; the nervous; endocrine and sensory systems; and body maintenance-blood/ cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system / electrolyte balance , reproductive system


Textbook Title:

  1. Marieb, E.N. Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6th Edition, an Francisco, CA : Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 2004
  2. Silverthorne, D.U. , Ober , C . Garrison, C.W., Johnson, B.R. Human Physiology An Integrated Approach. 4th Edition, P: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 2007
  3. Seeley R R, Stephens T.D. and Tase P., Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill. San Francisco (2002)

2.Internet :

  1. www.unizwa.edu.om
  2.  www.ursa.kcom.edu
  3. www.nash.cc.nc.us/instruct/ms/science/web/anatomy.htm

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Final Exam




PATH 350:  Human Pathology

Prereq: BIOL 300


Lectures: 3 CH

Practical: -

Contact Hs: 3



Third Year

First Semester


Course Objectives:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Describe the fundamentals of Human Pathology.

2- Illustrate the processes of inflammation

3-  Illustrate the processes of  repair

4- Illustrate the processes of degeneration.

5- Discuss the disturbance of hemodynamics.

6- Outline the developmental defects

7- Report on neoplasm.

8- Identify and give comments on the relation between the above pathogenic problems add diagnosis of diseases.

9- Recommend a procedure for the identification of pathogenic problems   

10- Evaluate patient pathological lab tests in accordance with established standards of practice

Course Contents:

          This course covers introduction to Human Pathology ,the importance of  pathology, Physiology for pharmaceutical care ; its correlation to various diseases, the basic principles of diseases including inflammation and repair, degeneration, disturbances of hemodynamics, developmental defects, neoplasm, certain cardiovascular, respiratory, bone, joints, and endocrine pathogenic problems. Demonstration of certain specimen is provided.


1. Textbook Title:

              Cortal, Kumar, Robins. Pathologic Basis of Diseases 

2.Internet :

1. www.medlib.med.utah.edu/webpath/webpath.html

2.  http://www.pathweb.uchc.edu

3. www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/duringinformation.html

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Final Exam




 BIOL 200: Microbiology and Immunology

Prereq: BIOL 101


Lectures: 2 CH

Practical: 1

Contact Hs: 4



Second Year

Second Semester


 Objectives of Microbiology Course

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

1- Enumerate the different classes of pathogenic bacteria

2- Select the most effective antibiotic for pathogenic bacteria

3- Prepare cultures of bacteria

4- Identify the most effective antibiotic by carrying out culture sensitivity tests

5- Describe the response of the body to pathogenic bacteria

6- Illustrate the role of bacterial flora in the body

7- Classify the different pathogenic bacteria

8- Identify the different types of pathogenic bacteria

9- Illustrate the symptoms of different infectious diseases

10- Enumerate the names and properties of the pathogenic fungi

11- Illustrate the symptoms of different diseases caused by pathogenic fungi

12- Identify the pathogenic fungi

13- Discuss the structure, triplication, transmission and defenses against viruses

14- Illustrate the symptoms of different diseases caused by viruses

15- Analyze biological fluids for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms

16- Evaluate patient culture sensitivity tests and recommend modification in antibiotics to insure effective, safe and economic pharmaceutical care

17- Analyze the results of cultures

18- Select the most appropriate antimicrobial agent

19- Discuss and solve the problem of antimicrobial resistance

 Objectives of Immunology Course

1- Describe the principles of immune system

2- Illu