|   February 20, 2025
Jaroslaw Dydowics
Jaroslaw Dydowics
Assistant Professor
Foreign Languages - English Section
College of Arts and Sciences
  • Telephone: (+968)25446200
  • Extension: 923
  • eMail: jaroslaw@unizwa.edu.om
  • Office Location: 5d-17
  • Time at UoN: Since 2012

  • Professional Profile A TESOL teacher and teacher trainer with a background in pedagogical ICT and course design as well as business experience. My twelve-year experience as a teacher trainer in TESOL and in Technology Assisted Language Learning has seen me lead and organize practical English teaching teams.

    Academic Qualifications
    • EdD, University of London, 2017
    Teaching Activities
    • Teaching Methods, Educational technology
    Research Activities
    - Research Interests
    • Educational ICT

                    My university and other tertiary level positions have involved me in the design of curricula at BA, MA and postgraduate levels. This has been coupled with a ten-year experience in designing Internet Assisted Language Learning tools and other internet applications. I have experience in the following areas: -Designing and implementing Web 2.0 language learning applications. - Designing and delivering educational ICT sessions at all levels of tertiary instruction. - Designing EAP curricula, and coordinating the work of faculty staff. - Delivering specialized training in ESP contexts. - Heading and implementing projects financed by EU.
                    Dr- Jaroslaw Dydowicz UoN CV.pdf