|   23 أكتوبر 2024م
د. سيد عبدالله جيلاني
د. سيد عبدالله جيلاني
أستاذ مشارك، مساعد العميد للدراسات الجامعية
مكتب العميد، علوم الحياة والكيميــاء-شعبة الأحياء
كلية العلوم والآداب
  • هاتف: +968-25446200(968+)
  • محول: 941
  • البريد الإلكتروني: gilani@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 5D-6
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2018

  • حصل على درجة الدكتور اه في التقانة الحيوية في عام 2010 م ، من جامعة تسوكوبا، وعلى درجة ماجستير الفلسفة في التصنيف النباتي في عام 2001 م، من جامعة القائد عزام، وحصل على درجة ماجستير في علم النبات من جامعة بيشاور في عام 1997 م، كما حصل على درجة بكالوريوس علوم الأحياء والكيمياء في عام 1994م من جامعة بيشاور. أما اهتماماته البحثية فتقع في مجال دراسة النباتات الطبية وتصنيف النباتات البرية في عمان، والحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي، وتطور السلالات الجزيئية، والشفرات الجينية، ودراسات الأليلوباثية لنباتات في عمان.

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • Post-Doctorate، Univeristy of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan، 2012
    • Ph.D.، University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan، 2010
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Botany I (BIOL150)، Fall 2012 – Spring 2014; Summer 2015, Summer 2016, Summer 2016-17, Fall 2017-18, Spring 2017-18 till date
    • Plant Physiology (BIOL211)، Fall 2013-14 till date
    • Introduction to Biotechnology (BIOL345)، Fall 2012 till date (5 years)
    • General Biology I (BIOL101)، Spring 2014 – Fall 2016
    • In vitro Biotechnology (BIOL 412)، Fall 2012, Summer 2013
    • Phylogenetic Systematics I (BIOL471) with lab. Designed full course، Summer 2015
    • Biology Seminar (BIOL 437)، Fall 2013 – Spring 2014 (2 years)
    الأنشطة البحثية
          - المنشورات
          • 1. 2019 Akbar, F., Abdul Latif Khan, S. A. Gilani, Ahmed Al-Harrasi1, Abdullah M. Al-Sadi And Zabta Khan Shinwari. 2019. Genetic Differentiation In Different Endemic Boswellia Sacra (Burseraceae) Populations From Oman, Pak. J. Bot., DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-1(18)
          • 2. 2019 Najeeb Ur Rehman, Fazal Mabood, Abdul Latif Khan, Liaqat Ali, Syed Abdullah Gillani, Ghulam Abbas, Ajmal Khan, Ahmed Al-Harrasi and Javid Hussain. 2019. Evaluation of biological potential and physico-chemical properties of Acridocarpus orientalis (Malpighiaceae). Pak. J. Botany, DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-3(8).
          • 3. 2019 Afaf M. Weli, Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Noorulhud H. Al Baiti, Anil Philip, Amzad Hossain, S. A. Gilani, Nadia Banioraba. 2019. Biological and toxicological evaluation of aerial parts extracts of locally grown Cleome austroarabica, Journal of King Saud University – Science, IN PRESS. Available online on https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1018364718320275 Impact Factor: 2.835
          • 4. 2019 Hussain et al. 2019. Development of a robust sensitive fluorescence spectroscopic method coupled with PLSR for the estimation of quercetin in different fractions of Ochradenus aucheri and Capparis cartilaginea. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy. IN PRESS.
          • 5. 2019 Handayani T., S. A. Gilani, K. N. Watanabe. 2019. Climatic changes and potatoes: How can we cope with the abiotic stresses? Breeding Science, 69(4): 545–563. doi:10.1270/jsbbs.19070 . Impact Factor 1.743 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsbbs/advpub/0/advpub_19070/_pdf/-char/en Review Article
          • 6. 2018 First report of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus infecting papaya in Oman.، Haq, Q. M. I., Z. Naureen, F. Mahbood, A.hmed Al-Harrasi, S. A. Gilani, J. Hussain, J.K. Brown, C,hhandakBasu, V.G. Malathi, R. S. M. Al-Sabari, F. H. S. Al-Kkhanbashi, A. A. M. Al-Fahdi, A. K. A. Al-Zaabi, F. Al-Shukaili and, F. A. M. Al-Shuraiqi. 2018. New Disease Reports. In Press.
          • 7. 2018 New robust sensitive florescence spectroscopy coupled with PLSR for estimation of quercetin in Ziziphus mucronata and Ziziphus sativa.، 1. Hussain, J., F. Mabood, A. Al-Harrasi, L. Ali, T. S. Rizvi, F. Jabeen, S. A. Gilani, S. Shinwari, M. Ahmad, Z. K. Alabri, S. H. S. Al Ghawi. Spectrochimica. Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 194: 52 – 57.Impact Factor 2.7
          • 8. 2017 Endophytes from medicinal plants and their potential for producing indole-acetic acid, improving seed germination and mitigating oxidative stress. ، Khan, A. L., S. A. Gilani, M. Waqas, K. Al-Hosni, S. Al-Khiziri, Y. H. Kim, L. Ali, S. M. Kang, S. Asaf, R. Shahzad, J. Hussain, I. J. Lee, A. Al-Harrasi. 2017. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology). 18: 125 – 137. Impact Factor 1.278
          • 9. 2017 Detection & Quantification of Formalin adulteration in cow milk using NIR-spectroscopy combined with Multivariate Analysis. ، 8. Mabood, F., Mahmood M. O. Al Nabhani, F.Jabeen, J. Hussain, M. Ahmed, Z.Naureen, S. A. Gilani, and A. Al-Harrasi. 2017. Advances in Dairy Research, 5: 167, pages 1 to 5.
          • 10. 2017 New Design of Experiment combined with UV-VIS Spectroscopy for Extraction and Estimation of Polyphenols from Basil Seed, Red Seed, Sesame Seeds and Ajwan Seeds. ، 7. Mabood, F., S. A. Gilani, J. Hussain, S. A’shidani, S. Alghawi, M. Albroumi, S. Alameri, F. Jabeen, M. Ahmed, Z. Hussain, A. Al-Harrasi, Z. Al Abri, S. Farooq, Z. Naureen, A. Hamaed, M. Rasul Jan, J. Shah. 2017. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 178: 14 – 18. Corresponding Author. Impact Factor 2.653.
          • 11. 2017 Detection and Estimation of Super premium 95 gasoline adulteration with Premium 91 gasoline using new NIR spectroscopy combined with Chemometrics. ، Mabood, F., S. A. Gilani, M.Albroumi, S. Alameri, M. M. O. Al Nabhani, F. Jabeen, J. Hussain, A. Al-Harrasi, R. Boqué, S. Farooq, A. M.Hamaed, Z. Naureen, A. Khan and Z. Hussain. 2017. Fuel, 197: 388 – 396.Impact Factor 3.611.Corresponding author.
          • 12. 2017 Difference between non-transgenic and salt tolerant transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis for diversity and allelopathic effects of essential oils. ، Gilani S. A., A. Kikuchi, X. Yu, Z. Ahmad, M. Sugano, Y. Fujii, K. N. Watanabe. 2017. Pak. J. Botany, 49: 345 – 351.
          • 13. 2017 Exploring the potentials of Lysinibacillussphaericus ZA9 for plant growth promotion and biocontrol activities against phytopathogenic fungi. ، 4. Naureen, Z., N. Ur Rehman, H. Hussain, S. A. Gilani, J. Hussain, F. Mabood, A. Al Harrasi, S. K. Al Housni, A. L. Khan. 2017. Frontiers in Microbiology. In Press. Impact Factor = 4.165.
          • 14. 2017 FT-NIRS coupled with chemometric methods as a rapid alternative tool for the detection & quantification of cow milk adulteration in camel milk samples.، Mabood, F., F. Jabeen, J. Hussain, A. Al-Harrasi, A. Hamaed, S. A. A. Al Mashaykhi, Z. M. A. al Rubaiey, S. Manzoor, A. Khan, Q. M. I Haq, S. A. Gilani, A. Khan. 2017. Vibrational Spectroscopy.92: 245 – 250. Impact Factor = 1.74.
          • 15. 2016 \، 13. Naureen Z., Al Matani Z.A., Al Jabri M.N., Al Housni SK., Gilani SA., Mabood F, Hussain J., AL Harrasi AS.2016. Advances in Biosciences and Biotechnology, 7: 329 - 325.
          • 16. 2016 Molecular genetic diversity of curcuminoid genes in Curcuma amada: Curcuminoid variation, consideration on species boundary and polyploidy. ، Gilani S. A., Akira Kikuchi, Takayoshi Shimazaki, NoladhiWicaksana, Wunna, Kazuo N. Watanabe. 2015. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 61:186-195. DOI:10.1016/j.bse.2015.06.020. Impact Factor 0.967
          • 17. 2016 Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of Teucrium muscatense. ، Rehman, Najib Ur, J. M. S. Al-Sahai, H. Hussain, A. L. Khan, S. A. Gilani, G. Abbas, Javid Hussain,J.N.Sabahi, and Ahmed Al-Harrasi. 2016. International Journal of Phytomedicine, 8: .Impact Factor 1.23
          • 18. 2015 Tracking Selection Signatures Based on Variation in OsLEA27 within Myanmar Landraces of Upland and Dryland Rice. ، 14. Wunna, S. A. Gilani, M. Kawase, R. Ohsawa, K. N. Watanabe. 2015. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6: 1937-1950.
          • 19. 2015 Isolation and Screening of silicate solubilizing bacteria from different areas of Pakistan for biological control of phytopathogens. ، Naureen Z.,Hafeez F.Y., Aqeel, M. Gilani, S. A., Mabood, F., Hafeez, F.Y. 2015. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 6: 2850 - 2859.
          • 20. 2014 AFLP and PBA polymorphisms in an endangered medicinal plant, Rhazya stricta, in Pakistan. ، Gilani, S. A., R. Hirano, Y. Fujii and Kazuo N. Watanabe. 2014. Plant Genetic Resources –Characterization and Utilization, 12: 199 – 206. DOI:10.1017/S147926211300052X.Impact Factor 0.58
          الخبرة الإدارية
          • 2017 - الآن: Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies (ADUGS) - College of Arts and Sciences, Universityof Nizwa
            streamlined and implemented University guidelines and policies with proper documentation; wrote annual reports of College Board review (2012 - 2020), CAS Students Retention, progression, Completion Report (2012 - 2019), CAS Students Grades Appeals Reports (2014 - 2019/20); CAS Examination Reports (2017 - 2020); CAS Students Academic Misconduct Report (2017 - 2020) etc.

                  الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/cas/gilani    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية